Back from Martinique

It’s been a week since I landed in Orly, under the snow, after spending 15 days in Martinique, invited by Terre d’Arts for an artistic residency at the Domaine de Tivoli. Big thermal shock. But not only. It took me a lot of sleep to recover from this intense experience.
Olivia Berthon, visual artist and exhibition curator, allowed me to travel the island from north to south, from east to west, to make me discover her favorite places, to share magical moments, in particular the moments suspended under the zamana of the Céron dwelling.
She also introduced me to many exciting people. I am thinking in particular of his neighbor who gave us a tour of his exceptional garden and from which I took some of the photos for the future series Arbonirisme en Martinique, the subject of the residence that I was doing.
Of course, I also brought back some travel photos. Besides the lush vegetation, I remember the spontaneous help I received from total strangers.
I think of the bus driver who took pity on me and turned around to pick me up, walking down a road in the midday sun after photographing a bakoua on Balata Garden Road.
/>I’m thinking of the people who offered to take me on a ride when I was looking for my way.
I’m thinking of the young man who played the collective taxis when the strike prevented the buses from circulating.
I’m also thinking of the people I met, whom I found so beautiful that I wanted them take a photo. I asked their permission, they were always surprised that I was interested in them, and delighted with the result.
I therefore naturally begin by sharing these portraits taken during my wanderings in Fort-de-France.