MLP Weekly #57 : Urbex in a small abandoned castle

2023-10-01 19:26:04

For the first time, here is a serie of urbex style photos taken in a small abandoned castle, on the heights of the Lot Valley and the Vineyard. The mayor of the village advised me to take a look there, I didn’t know what to expect… Clearly, the place is regularly visited. We find the furnitures left behind, the floor littered with books and magazines, the ceiling of the living room collapsed, gaping into the attic. Absolute silence. On the first floor, the atmosphere is a bit dreamlike, the impression that the family has suddenly left, or disappeared, vanished into thin air: an envelope, Orwell’s book 1984, a napkin on the heated towel rail in the bathroom, women’s magazines, a wooden toy, the dishes on the kitchen table… But when we go down to the cellars, the hairs stand up a little, and we feel we’re in a horror movie, you expect to find a dead body hanging somewhere. But no, just vats, barrels… and a rocking chair.