Concert of Keziah Jones in Cahors - 03.01.2024

2024-03-13 19:58:26

Les Docks de Cahors is a small concert hall with an eclectic, surprising and precise program. I saw Catherine Ringer, Groundation, Winston McAnuff, EZ3kiel, Virginie Despentes and her clique… and very recently, Keziah Jones. Yes, this superstar came here, to us, in the Lot. I had already seen him in a small festival in Lot-et-Garonne called Grain de sel, in Castelsarrasin. Apparently he likes coming to the countryside. Good for us !

This March 1st, the Docks are full. The song Kpafuca puts us straight in the mood: Keziah Jones is going to give an energetic concert, full of joy. The artist is in a super good mood, he is humorous, speaks to us in his broken French, and above all he sets things on fire! Acoustic guitar not tuned well? No worries, he calls back his musicians and “changes vibe”, in his own words, with Hello Heavenly. He will return to acoustic a little later “in case the guitar has tuned itself”. It obviously only takes a few minutes to be able to invite us into a more intimate atmosphere.

But very quickly, it is again to the jerky rhythms of Pass the joint that the audience begins to jump and dance, to accompany the singer in his choreographies.

Obviously, Keziah Jones does not forget his classics with Rythm is love and Beautiful Emily, which he still seems to play with pleasure.

The concert went by at breakneck speed. The band quickly leaves the stage with a smile. The public wants more, sings, shouts, but nothing will help. Keziah Jones and his musicians were generous on stage, we left with ears full of rhythms.